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TXST 1301: Intro to Texas Studies
Lessons 1-4
Introduction to . . . Introduction to Texas Studies
Lesson Two: Your Textbook for this class . . .
Lesson Three: Texas on Film
Lesson Four: Natural Resources
Lessons 5-8
Lesson Five: Texas Art
Lesson Six: Texas Literature
Lesson Seven: Texas Politics
Lesson Eight: Texans at War
Lessons 9-12
Lesson Nine: Texas Places
Lesson Ten: Texas Sports
Lesson Eleven: Texas Music
Lesson Twelve: Texas Work
Lessons 13-16
Lesson Thirteen: Texas Play
Lesson Fourteen: Texas Food
Lesson Fifteen: Texas Symbols
Lesson Sixteen: Texas Conclusion
Movie Reviews
Movie Review: Giant
Movie Review: To Hell and Back
Movie Review: The Last Picture Show
Movie Review: Your Choice 1
Movie Review: Your Choice 2
Movie Review: Your Choice 3
Movie Review: Your Choice 4
Topical Essays
Topical Essay Instructions
Topical Essay 1
Topical Essay 2
Topical Essay 3
Topical Essay 4
Topical Essay 5
Topical Essay 6
Topical Essay 7: The Reflection Paper
TXST 2370: Survey of Texas History
Lessons 1-15
Texas Geography L1
Regions of Texas L2
Major RIvers of Texas L3
Paleo Indians Period L4
Archaic Indians Period L5
The Spanish Encounter L6
Guns, Germs, and Steel L7
Spanish-French L8
Spanish Missions L9
Spanish Colonial Society L10
Comanches L11
Spanish Twilight L12
The World Turns Upside Down L13
The Mexican War for Independence Drags On L14
The Mexican Empire L15
Lessons 16-30
Empressarios L16
Empresarios (1825-1826) L17
Empresarios (1827-1829) L18
Santa Anna L19
Things Change L20
The First Texas Troubles L21
Calm Before the Storm L22
Santa Anna’s Dictatorship L23
Texas Revolution 1835 L24
Matamoros, Alamo, Goliad L25
San Jacinto Campaign L26
Texas, Mexico, and the Comanches L27
The Indian Wars of the Republic of Texas L28
The Texas-Mexican War L29
Annexation and U.S.–Mexican War L30
Lessons 31-45
Slavery and Texas L31
End of The Comanche Empire L32
The Texas Indian Frontier L33
Texas in the 1850s L34
Texas in the American Civil War L35
Texas Caused the Civil War, and Won! L36
Reconstruction L37
Texas Looks to its Future L38
The Army Returns to Texas L39
The End of an Era L40
The Buffalo Slaughter L41
The Great Cattle Drives L42
The Rise of Railroads in Texas L43
The End of an Era L44
Texas in the late 1800s L45
Lessons 46-60
Texas and the Populist Revolt L46
Texas at 1900 L47
Texas Timber L48
White Gold, Texas Cotton L49
Texas takes its Lumps in the Coal Industry L50
Spindletop and Black Gold L51
The Mexican Revolution L52
Pancho Villa, WWI, and Texas L53
Texas in the Twenties L54
The Depression in Texas L55
Texas in World War II L56
The Transformation of Texas L57
The Republican Shift L58
Texas Today L59
Is Texas Exceptional? L60
TXST 3320: The Texas Revolution and Republic
Lessons 1-15
Lesson 1: Aftermath
Lesson 2: A Tale of Two Republics
Lesson 3: Moses Austin and the Power of an Idea
Lesson 4: Stephen F. Austin and the Old Three Hundred
Lesson 5: The Mexican Constitution of 1824
Lesson 6: The Fredonian Rebellion
Lesson 7: Mier y Terán
Lesson 8: The Law of April 6, 1830
Lesson 9: Los Tejanos
Lesson 10: Disturbances
Lesson 11: The Convention of 1832
Lesson 12: Rise of the War Party
Lesson 13: The Convention of 1833
Lesson 14: Mr. Austin Goes to Mexico City
Lesson 15: Mr. Austin Goes to Jail
(Book Exam) Stephen F. Austin: Empresario of Texas
Lessons 16-30
Lesson 16: Troubles in Anahuac…Again!
Lesson 17: Mr. Austin Comes Home
Lesson 18: Come and Take It!
Lesson 19: On to Bexar
Lesson 20: A Provisional Government
Lesson 21: Who Will Follow Old Ben Milam?
Lesson 22: Matamoros Fever
Lesson 23: Political Chaos
Lesson 24: 13 Days–Siege of the Alamo
Lesson 25: Meanwhile, Back at the Convention…Independence
Lesson 26: March 6, 1836 – Assault
Lesson 27: Indecision and Calamity
Lesson 28: Texian Exodus
Lesson 29: The Road to Lynch’s Ferry
Lesson 30: San Jacinto
(Book Exam) Texian Iliad: A Military History of the Texas Revolution
Lessons 31-45
Lesson 31: The Treaties of Velasco
Lesson 32: Starting Over
Lesson 33: Terror at Parker’s Fort
Lesson 34: Captain Burton and his “Horse Marines”
Lesson 35: Transition – The Summer of 1836
Lesson 36: The First Monday in September, 1836
Lesson 37: The Patriarch Departs
Lesson 38: The Capital at Houston City-“The Most Miserable Place in the World”
Lesson 39: Houston vs. Huston
Lesson 40: Rowdy Loafers
Lesson 41: Texas Rebuffed
Lesson 42: Lamar Takes the Reins
Lesson 43: The Council House Fight
Lesson 44: Rangers Ride
Lesson 45: The Great Comanche Raid of 1840
(Book Exam) Lust for Glory: An Epic Story of Early Texas and the Sacrifice that Defined a Nation
Lessons 46-60
Lesson 46: Plum Creek
Lesson 47: The Pig War
Lesson 48: Dreams of Santa Fe
Lesson 49: Big Drunk’s Big Comeback
Lesson 50: A Republic in Crisis
Lesson 51: Black Powder, Lead Bullets, and Black Beans
Lesson 52: The Texas Navy
Lesson 53: Big Drunk Goes on the Wagon
Lesson 54: The President and the Lady Cannoneer
Lesson 55: Fun & Frolic
Lesson 56: Texian Tech
Lesson 57: Chew, Chew, Chew & Spit, Spit, Spit
Lesson 58: Blood on the Pines
Lesson 59: Anson and Annexation
Lesson 60: Legacy
(Book Exam) Texian Macabre: A Melancholy Tale of a Hanging in Houston
TXST 3321: Passing of the Texas Frontier
TXST 3321: Frontier Texas (Part 1, 1875)
Lesson 1: Life Out West (PTF)
Lesson 2: Law and Order (PTF)
Lesson 3: Settling In (PTF)
Lesson 4: A Changing Nation (PTF)
Lesson 5: A Frontier Case Study (PTF)
Lesson 6: Sweet Hour of Prayer (PTF)
TXST 3321: Frontier Texas (Part 2, 1904)
Lesson 7: The Rise of the Railroads (PTF)
Lesson 8: Health and Wellness (PTF)
Lesson 9: Hair, Teeth, and Gossip (PTF)
Lesson 10: How Things Work (PTF)
TXST 3321: Frontier Texas (Part 3, the 1920s)
Lesson 11: Life on the Frontier Changes (PTF)
Lesson 12: Education on the Texas Frontier (PTF)
Lesson 13: The Horseless Carriage (PTF)
Lesson 14: The Rise of Money and Credit (PTF)
Lesson 15: The US Mail (PTF)
Lesson 16: The Power of the Press (PTF)
TXST 4305: The Grand Tour (of Texas)
Texas Studies Bookshelf (Required Texts)
Required Reading
TXST 1301: Introduction to Texas Studies Required Reading
TXST 2370 / HIST 3310 Survey of Texas History Required Reading
TXST 3320: Texas Revolution and Republic Required Reading
TXST 3321: Passing of the Texas Frontier Required Reading
Other Texas Books
Texas Studies Suggested Reading
TXST 2370 / HIST 3310: Survey of Texas History
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